Real-time Flow and Nexset Stats

Enhanced statistics and metrics are now available on all flows and Nexsets, enabling up-to-the-minute tracking of records processed, errors, and more. Check any flow for records numbers and errors at a glance.

Click the magnifying glass on any Nexset for a more granular view of Records, Volume, and Errors over time.

Google Pub/Sub Connector

Our new Google Pub/Sub connector enables building data flows for any streaming or event-driven system easily at scale. Google Pub/Sub now becomes both a source and a destination for Nexla flows, similar to our integration with Kafka. Learn more about Google Pub/Sub

Datasets are now called Nexsets

Datasets are now called Nexsets in the Nexla UI. Over past few months, Nexla's Datasets have become very powerful in a way that goes far beyond the notion of basic Datasets. This meant the time had come to flip the switch on their name in the UI. In Nexsets, features like documentation, annotations, schema, error management, and validations are now just click of a button away. We have preserved all the underlying functionality that you have come to love. 

New Connector: ON24

A new connectors for ON24 means it's easier than ever to integrate these as sources or destinations. As with all Nexla connectors, these are bidirectional and universal. Start using them right away!

Note: If you need a connector that is not yet available, simply email us your needs and we will notify you as soon as it is available. 

New Connector: Zuora

A new connector for Zuora means it's easier than ever to integrate these as sources or destinations. As with all Nexla connectors, these are bidirectional and universal. Start using them right away!

Note: If you need a connector that is not yet available, simply email us your needs and we will notify you as soon as it is available. 

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