Perform Record Aggregation Transforms using SQL Queries

Create Nexsets using SQL query-based transforms. Generate output data based on complex aggregations across input records.

With the new Transform: Aggregate rule type now available in the Nexset Designer, transform rules that are applied across multiple records in a Nexset can now be created with SQL queries.

Transform: Aggregate rules allow users to easily create and apply transforms that aggregate records according to attribute values directly in Nexla. Typically these operations require storing raw records in a relational database or warehouse where users then run their SQL queries. But with this new capability in Nexla users can save time and money by  performing these SQL queries while the records are in flight.

Record-aggregation transforms can be applied to produce output data for reporting, analytics, notifications, and more. These transforms can be customized for any dataset, workflow, or use case.

Additionally, with branched data flows in Nexla, multiple transforms can be individually applied to a single Nexset, creating parallel streams to deliver both record aggregations and transformed data to downstream destinations in a single flow.

To learn more about record aggregation with SQL transforms in Nexla, see Record Aggregation Transforms (SQL) on Nexla Docs.